sensorconnect ·

Fix "Failed to send Kafka message: microservice name is empty" Error in Sensorconnect

Learn how to fix the "Failed to send Kafka message: microservice name is empty" error in Sensorconnect microservice in v0.9.11 of United Manufacturing Hub. Follow the step-by-step instructions to add a new environment variable to resolve the issue.

Fix "Failed to send Kafka message: microservice name is empty" Error in Sensorconnect
This is only relevant for v0.9.11 of the United Manufacturing Hub and is fixed in all later versions

If you're using version v0.9.11 of the United Manufacturing Hub and encounter the error message "Failed to send Kafka message: microservice name is empty" while using the Sensorconnect microservice, don't worry!

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2023-02-21T14:40:04.652Z","log.origin":{"":"internal/kafkaMessageTrace.go","file.line":25},"message":"SerialNumber is empty","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2023-02-21T14:40:04.652Z","log.origin":{"":"sensorconnect/kafka.go","file.line":43},"message":"Failed to send Kafka message: microservice name is empty","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

This error is caused by a bug on our side and is fixed in the later versions of the Hub. However, if you want to continue using v0.9.11 and need a quick fix for the issue, follow the step-by-step instructions below to resolve the error.


  1. Open UMHLens / OpenLens
  2. Go to StatefulSets and then press on the united-manufacturing-hub-sensorconnect StatefulSet
  3. Press Edit on the top right
  4. Press Ctrl + F and search for env:
  5. The second result should be the correct one. Add a new environment variable:
    - name: SERIAL_NUMBER
      value: default
  6. Press Save
Please note that this is only a quickfix. Everytime you update the Helm Chart or any values in it, the changes just made will be overwritten again and you would need to repeat them again.

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