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UMHLens / OpenLens ·

Setting up Port-Forwarding in UMHLens / OpenLens

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up port-forwarding in UMHLens, allowing you to access internal services of the United Manufacturing Hub that are not exposed externally.

Setting up Port-Forwarding in UMHLens / OpenLens

In some cases, you may need to access internal services of the United Manufacturing Hub that are not exposed externally. To do this, you can set up port-forwarding in UMHLens.

The port-forwarding feature is a little bit unstable, so we recommend it only as last resort. If you are using k3d, you can also decide to directly forward these ports to your host machine, so that you can access services using localhost. For installations on edge devices such as flatcar, you can use just the IP of the device.


  1. Identify the internal service you want to access. For example, you may want to access the microservice "factoryinsight" or Node-RED when using the k3d or minikube approach.
  2. Go the service you want to access and click on the port

The browser window will automatically open, allowing you to access the internal service. If you want to access something that is not HTTP related (like MQTT), you can copy your local port from the browser URL.

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