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UMH Systems GmbH ·

The United Manufacturing Hub at the ADAMOS STORE

The United Manufacturing Hub at the ADAMOS STORE
Find the United Manufacturing Hub at ADAMOS STORE.

We at the United Manufacturing Hub are completely behind digital transformation and what drives us forward is to help factories face Industry 4.0 and IIoT challenges with our Open-Source Software. This is why we are happy to be able to provide our support licenses to our software at the ADAMOS STORE.

Our IIoT platform, the United Manufacturing Hub, combines "Information Technology" (IT) and "Operational Technology" (OT), enabling a wide range of applications from real-time production monitoring, digital shadow to condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, and more.

"The merging of IT and OT forms the basis for all modern software applications in industry. The resulting information is valuable, and enables optimization potential in corporate and production processes to be fully exploited. We are also convinced of the benefits of open source because it delivers the greatest possible added value for everyone"
- Christian Proch, Co-Founder and CFO of UMH Systems GmbH.

Our software stack is state-of-the-art and thus reliable, scalable and secure. In addition, the United Manufacturing Hub offers flexibility at the highest level, with various building blocks that can be called upon thanks to system openness.

Besides to our product, we are building a rapidly growing community of like-minded Open-Source-Enthusiasts. In this community, we want to provide solutions, inspiration and ideas for progress and thus enable the constant further development of our platform based on the respective user needs. Furthermore, we are developing a Learning Hub with blog posts and practical use cases to create knowledge on the one hand and share the added value of our solution on the other. We'd be glad if our presence at ADAMOS encourages some new Open-Source-Enthusiasts to check out our United Manufacturing Hub.

The key to our solution: Open-Source. Many companies use rigid, prefabricated software solutions to connect IT and OT, or even try their hand at it themselves. However, the future looks different. Observing and solving company-specific problems in a time- and cost-efficient way works with Open-Source. This is also proven by the current trend in this direction, as more and more companies, including large, well-known companies such as BMW, are shifting their solutions towards Open-Source.

To make Open-Source more approachable, here are 5 quick questions and answers.

  • Is Open-Source really free?

Yes. You can download the United Manufacturing Hub software stack on GitHub. We also offer various support packages from our team of experts, which we recommend in any case for a smooth deployment of United Manufacturing Hub. You can now easily aquire them at the ADAMOS Store.

  • Why should companies want to use Open-Source?

Open-Source allows software to be tailored to a company's individual needs. Meanwhile, pre-built software solutions are rigid and cannot be tailored to specifics.

  • To what extent can Open-Source be customized?

The fact that Open-Source software code can be accessed directly means that changes can be made to everything from desired functions to visual aspects.

  • Who develops Open-Source software?

It is Open-Source developers who upload their software online. The special thing, however, is that there is a community behind it, which points out errors, corrects and shares with other members. Thus, there is a bundled amount of knowledge behind Open-Source, which functions independently of self-interest or monetary incentives.

  • What about updates and support?

We at United Manufacturing Hub offer support packages that fit the different needs of our customers. This also includes regular updates.

We are happy to have found in ADAMOS STORE a partner with that helps us to further offer our Service and support packages.  ADAMOS shares our common goal of digitizing companies in the industry. ADAMOS offers a marketplace including networking technology for the simple and efficient use of industrial digital solutions. The cross-vendor digital marketplace facilitates the acquisition of industrial apps, while the ADAMOS networking technology facilitates the use and management of data and apps.
ADAMOS is specifically tailored to the needs of industry and manufacturing companies. For XaaS solution providers, ADAMOS offers a sustainable scaling program, and for manufacturing companies, a profitability-enhancing lever.

"The United Manufacturing Hub provides a basic building block that can be excellently combined with the solutions offered by the ADAMOS STORE. Synergy effects enable customers to fully exploit the potential of digitization step by step and with low risk."
- Dr. Marco Link, Managing Director of ADAMOS, on the partnership with UMH Systems GmbH

From now on, the UMH software stack as well as our expert service can be obtained via the ADAMOS STORE. With the help of the support packages available at the store, our team of experts from the areas of Industrial IoT, IT Security, Databases, Kubernetes, Docker, etc. will support our customers and simplify the setup and operation of a modern IT/OT infrastructure.

More information about the ADAMOS Store can be found here, or you can directly access the store.

The United Manufacturing Hub on ADAMOS can be found here.

To learn more about our open source software, check out our United Manufacturing Hub on GitHub.

To learn more about our team, visit us at

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