Simplifying Tag Browsing in Grafana
Trent Christopher created a solution to browse UMH Historian tags in Grafana via TimescaleDB, making it easy for non-technical users to access and interact with UNS data.
Trent Christopher created a solution to browse UMH Historian tags in Grafana via TimescaleDB, making it easy for non-technical users to access and interact with UNS data.
Traditional Historians excel at providing shop floor insights, but modern architectures like UNS offer more flexibility. With protocol converters, real-time data, and tools like Node-RED and Grafana, UNS can now effectively replace most Historian features.
Historians vs. Open-Source Databases: We debunk myths around reliability and compression, showing why open-source databases often offer better transparency, integration, and scalability for modern data needs.
Data Historians are time series databases specifically for OT purposes
We are happy to announce the closed beta version of the Historian functionality for the United Manufacturing Hub! It meets the requirements of an OT engineer, but is still maintainable by the IT department.
OSIsoft PI, Canary, InfluxDB, TimescaleDB and Ignition - the number of tools you can use to store your data from your machinery is endless. This article provides an overview of historians and open source time series databases.
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