Connecting the UMH to Azure
Azure IoT Hub enables highly secure and reliable communication between IoT applications and the devices it manages.

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AWS and Azure are At Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.

The Unified Namespace as the strongest architectural proposal for Industry 4.0
Discover the Unified Namespace in IT/OT convergence with this four-lesson course. Gain essential insights to navigate the hype and make informed decisions about UNS in Industry 4.0.

Setting Up a UniFi Controller on Kubernetes with Flatcar and Traefik
This guide provides straightforward steps to deploy a UniFi Controller on a Kubernetes cluster using Flatcar and Traefik. If you're using the United Manufacturing Hub and want to add network management capabilities, this guide will be beneficial.