AWS and Azure are At Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.
At UMH, we’re building an integrated and user-centric solution for industrial IoT. In this article, we explore the shortcomings of typical manufacturing software and share how our unique approach addresses these challenges.
Read this article to know how modern "cloud-native" technologies such as Kubernetes, Grafana, and TimescaleDB can and must be combined with the traditional automation pyramid.
Thank you for your attention! Now, let's discuss a topic that is close to our hearts. We want to talk about OPC Unified Architecture, or OPC UA for short. We are not in competition with OPC UA. Rather, we are (frustrated) users of OPC UA, and what follows is our personal opinion.
Discover the Unified Namespace in IT/OT convergence with this four-lesson course. Gain essential insights to navigate the hype and make informed decisions about UNS in Industry 4.0.
The article delves into the different data requirements of frontline workers and business analysts, the roles of OLTP and OLAP databases, and the concept of Lambda Architecture for managing large volumes of real-time and historical data.
Explore the pros and cons of Historians versus open-source databases in sectors like oil&gas, pharmaceutical, and chemicals. This article discusses compression algorithms, storage costs, and modern compatibility.
Navigating the design of IT/OT infrastructure without MQTT, Kafka, and Kubernetes? We embarked on that journey too and confronted numerous challenges. Our hope is that our experiences can provide you with insights towards better solutions.
Discover why we chose Flatcar as the operating system for the Industrial IoT. We want to guide you through our thought process - from our requirements to selecting the operating system.
Are you looking for the best MQTT broker for your IoT or IIoT project? In this technical comparison, we evaluate four popular options: Eclipse Mosquitto, VerneMQ, EMQx, and HiveMQ. We consider factors such as reliability, scalability, and maintainability to help you make an informed decision.
OSIsoft PI, Canary, InfluxDB, TimescaleDB and Ignition - the number of tools you can use to store your data from your machinery is endless. This article provides an overview of historians and open source time series databases.
The industry is shifting from use-cases to being technology driven. We provide a look behind the United Manufacturing Hub and into our experiences for tools & techniques for data processing.
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