The results of this research provide an overview of the problems being faced regarding quality control during the manufacturing processes of technical textile in the automotive industry. In addition, information on the extent to which digital solutions for quality control are established in the industry is analyzed. Moreover, existing digital quality control solutions and measuring principles to tackle the identified problems in the industry are researched and identified.
This publication was made by Aditya Narayan Mishra as a Master Thesis for the “Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University” in cooperation with Kai Müller (ITA / RWTH Aachen ) and us.

Objective of this thesis: The objective of this thesis is to develop a decision tool regarding the quality control in the manufacturing of technical textiles for the automotive industry. The tool shall enable the access to information about the problems being faced and the consequent defects occurring during the manufacturing of technical textiles in the automotive industry. Subsequently, it shall provide an overview of the corresponding solutions and measuring principles for each of the identified problems
Solution process: Firstly, a literature review is carried out to provide a deep profound understanding to the important quality parameters and defects in each of the manufacturing processes of technical textile. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire is created to perform a market analysis in form of expert interviews. With the help of the market analysis, industry insights to the current status and problems associated with the quality control of manufacturing the technical textile fabrics in the automotive industry are addressed. Afterwards, based on the problems acquired through the expert interviews, the solutions and measuring principles are identified and subsequently a concept for the decision tool is designed.
Key results: The results of this research provide an overview of the problems being faced regarding quality control during the manufacturing processes of technical textile in the automotive industry. In addition, information on the extent to which digital solutions for quality control are established in the industry is analyzed. Moreover, existing digital quality control solutions and measuring principles to tackle the identified problems in the industry are researched and identified.
Key word: Digital quality control, Technical textiles, Mobiltech, Industry 4.0, Technology selection