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Industrial IoT Platforms vs. The Unified Namespace (UNS)

Industrial IoT Platforms vs. The Unified Namespace (UNS)

A single IoT platform can tackle specific use cases but struggles with large-scale data. A Unified Namespace excels at flexible distribution yet needs extra tools. The key is striking the right balance and leveraging each where it shines

Node-RED meets Benthos!

Node-RED meets Benthos!

Yes, we’ve made it possible to bring Node-RED-style simplicity into Benthos pipelines, enabling your chosen LLM to handle tedious manufacturing connectivity and contextualization tasks—whether you’re prototyping or managing production-grade data flows.

Simplifying Tag Browsing in Grafana

Simplifying Tag Browsing in Grafana

Trent Christopher created a solution to browse UMH Historian tags in Grafana via TimescaleDB, making it easy for non-technical users to access and interact with UNS data.

Landing UMH in Your Company: What SysAdmins Will Find Irresistible

Landing UMH in Your Company: What SysAdmins Will Find Irresistible

As OT and IT merge, Systems Administrators (SysAdmins) are uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between the plant floor and the data center. This article explores how SysAdmins fit into this, highlighting UMH as a familiar and effective platform for connecting IT and OT.

New Bridges and Automatic Helm Upgrade in UMH

New Bridges and Automatic Helm Upgrade in UMH

UMH introduces Benthos-based data bridges and automated Helm upgrades, enhancing reliability, maintainability and user experience. Explore how these updates simplify maintenance, optimize data flows, and enable custom data contracts.

Connect ifm IO-Link Masters with the UNS

Connect ifm IO-Link Masters with the UNS

We have released SensorConnect as a feature in the free community edition of our Management Console and benthos-umh. This allows you to connect to ifm IO-Link Masters with the Unified Namespace (UNS) and the UMH.

Building a PackML Simulator Dashboard

Building a PackML Simulator Dashboard

Discover how Todd Abraham built an industrial dashboard using the United Manufacturing Hub stack, turning complex data into clear insights. Read more about his learning journey and see how UMH can drive digital transformation in manufacturing.

Energy Monitoring to comply with Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG)

Energy Monitoring to comply with Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG)

Energy monitoring can help you comply with the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG), mandating energy-intensive companies, public institutions, and data centers to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. Read the article to learn more!

Opinion: OPC UA is the Peak of All That Is Wrong in Manufacturing

Opinion: OPC UA is the Peak of All That Is Wrong in Manufacturing

Thank you for your attention! Now, let's discuss a topic that is close to our hearts. We want to talk about OPC Unified Architecture, or OPC UA for short. We are not in competition with OPC UA. Rather, we are (frustrated) users of OPC UA, and what follows is our personal opinion.

Comparing MQTT Brokers for the Industrial IoT

Comparing MQTT Brokers for the Industrial IoT

Are you looking for the best MQTT broker for your IoT or IIoT project? In this technical comparison, we evaluate four popular options: Eclipse Mosquitto, VerneMQ, EMQx, and HiveMQ. We consider factors such as reliability, scalability, and maintainability to help you make an informed decision.

Historians vs Open-Source databases - which is better?

Historians vs Open-Source databases - which is better?

OSIsoft PI, Canary, InfluxDB, TimescaleDB and Ignition - the number of tools you can use to store your data from your machinery is endless. This article provides an overview of historians and open source time series databases.

Why we chose TimescaleDB over InfluxDB

Why we chose TimescaleDB over InfluxDB

TimescaleDB is better suited for the Industrial IoT than InfluxDB, because it is stable, mature and failure resistant, it uses the very common SQL as a query language and you need a relational database for manufacturing anyway

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