Configuring DNS Servers in UMH Instances
k3s ·

Configuring DNS Servers in UMH Instances

Learn how to configure custom DNS servers on your UMH instance to resolve external domain names and prevent connectivity issues. This step-by-step guide covers editing `/etc/resolv.conf`, restarting CoreDNS pods, and customizing the CoreDNS ConfigMap for advanced DNS configurations.

Updating k3OS to the Latest Version
k3OS ·

Updating k3OS to the Latest Version

This guide provides instructions for updating k3OS to the latest version. Keeping k3OS up-to-date is important to ensure that the latest features and security updates are available and to enable smooth running of the United Manufacturing Hub cloud-init file.

Trace the origin of MQTT messages in VerneMQ
VerneMQ ·

Trace the origin of MQTT messages in VerneMQ

This troubleshooting guide is designed to help you trace the origin of strange MQTT messages in VerneMQ. It provides step-by-step instructions for identifying the source of unexpected messages, allowing you to quickly resolve any issues and ensure that your messaging system is running smoothly.

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